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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT050
  • Created: 05th June 2024
  • Updated: 05th June 2024
  • Platform: Windows
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Impossible Travel

Custom or pre-built detection logic can be used to determine if a user account has authenticated from two geographic locations in a period of time that is not feasible for legitimate travel between the locations.


ID Name Description
IF011Providing Access to a Unauthorized Third Party

A subject intentionally provides system or data access to a third party that is not authorized to access it.

IF011.001Intentionally Weakening Network Security Controls For a Third Party

The subject intentionally weakens or bypasses network security controls for a third party, such as providing credentials or disabling security controls.

PR003.002Installing VPN Applications

A subject installs a VPN application that allows them to tunnel their traffic.

ME003.002VPN Applications

A subject has access to a VPN application.