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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT087
  • Created: 25th July 2024
  • Updated: 25th July 2024
  • Platform: Windows
  • Contributor: Joshua Phillips

USB MountPoints2

MountPoints2 is a Windows Registry key used to store information about previously connected removable devices, such as USB drives, CDs, and other external storage media. It is located at:



Each subkey under MountPoints2 represents a unique device, often identified by its GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or other unique identifier.
These subkeys can contain various values that describe the properties and behavior of the corresponding device, such as the assigned drive letter, volume label, and other relevant data.


ID Name Description
IF002Exfiltration via Physical Medium

A subject may exfiltrate data via a physical medium, such as a removable drive.

IF002.001Exfiltration via USB Mass Storage Device

A subject exfiltrates data using a USB-connected mass storage device, such as a USB flash drive or USB external hard-drive.

PR002.001USB Mass Storage Device Mounting

A subject may attempt to mount a USB Mass Storage device on a target system.

ME005.001USB Mass Storage

A subject can mount and write to a USB mass storage device.

IF002.006Exfiltration via USB to USB Data Transfer

A USB to USB data transfer cable is a device designed to connect two computers directly together for the purpose of transferring files between them. These cables are equipped with a small electronic circuit to facilitate data transfer without the need for an intermediate storage device. Typically a USB to USB data transfer cable will require specific software to be installed to facilitate the data transfer. In the context of an insider threat, a USB to USB data transfer cable can be a tool for exfiltrating sensitive data from an organization's environment.