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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT068
  • Created: 22nd July 2024
  • Updated: 22nd July 2024
  • Platform: Windows
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Windows Event Log, Logon and Logoff

By comparing three notable Event IDs, it is possible to build a timeline of when a user account was actively logged into a system. This can help to identify potential periods of inactivity where the account isn't actively being used.


Event ID 4624:  A user successfully logged on to a computer.

Event ID 4634:  The logoff process was completed for a user.

Event ID 4647:  A user initiated the logoff process.


ID Name Description
IF016.006Creation of Fictitious Invoices

A subject with access to a billing system or indirect access to a billing system misuses their access to create fraudulent invoices, causing payments to be diverted to themselves, a business they own, or a third party.

IF011.001Intentionally Weakening Network Security Controls For a Third Party

The subject intentionally weakens or bypasses network security controls for a third party, such as providing credentials or disabling security controls.