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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT059
  • Created: 12th June 2024
  • Updated: 12th June 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Chrome Browser Bookmarks

Google's Chrome browser stores the history of accessed websites and files downloaded.


On Windows, this information is stored in the following location: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data. This file is a JSON file and can be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad. This contains the URL, page title, date added, and date the bookmark was last used.


ID Name Description
IF008Inappropriate Web Browsing

A subject accesses web content that is deemed inappropriate by the organization.

IF018Sharing on AI Chatbot Platforms

A subject interacts with a public Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot (such as ChatGPT and xAI Grok), leading to the intentional or unintentional sharing of sensitive information.

IF008.001Lawful Pornography

A subject accesses lawful pornographic material from an organization device, contravening internal policies on acceptable use of organization equipment.

IF008.002Unlawful Pornography

A subject accesses unlawful pornographic material from a organization device, contravening internal policies on acceptable use of organization equipment and potentially, the law.

IF008.003Terrorist Content

A subject accesses, possesses and/or distributes materials that advocate, promote, or incite unlawful acts of violence intended to further political, ideological or religious aims (terrorism).

IF008.004Extremist Content

A person accesses, possesses, or distributes materials that advocate, promote, or incite extreme ideological, political, or religious views, often encouraging violence or promoting prejudice against individuals or groups.


A subject accesses or participates in online gambling from a corporate device, contravening internal policies on acceptable use of company equipment.

IF008.006Inappropriate Usage of Social Media

A subject misuses social media platforms to engage in activities that violate organizational policies, compromise security, disclose confidential information, or damage the organization’s reputation. This includes sharing sensitive data, making unauthorized statements, engaging in harassment or bullying, or undertaking any actions that could risk the organization’s digital security or public image.


A subject accesses or participates in web-based online gaming from a corporate device, contravening internal policies on acceptable use of company equipment.

IF008.008Other Inappropriate Content

A subject accesses other inappropriate web content from a corporate device, contravening internal policies on acceptable use of company equipment.