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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: DT049
  • Created: 03rd June 2024
  • Updated: 25th July 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Monitoring refers to monitoring social media interactions to identify organizational risks, such as employees disclosing confidential information and making statements that could harm the organization (either directly or through an employment association).


ID Name Description
IF012Public Statements Resulting in Brand Damage

A subject makes comments either in-person or online that can damage the organization's brand through association.

IF017Excessive Personal Use

A subject uses organizational resources, such as internet access, email, or work devices, for personal activities both during and outside work hours, exceeding reasonable personal use. This leads to reduced productivity, increased security risks, and the potential mixing of personal and organizational data, ultimately affecting the organization’s efficiency and overall security.

IF008.006Inappropriate Usage of Social Media

A subject misuses social media platforms to engage in activities that violate organizational policies, compromise security, disclose confidential information, or damage the organization’s reputation. This includes sharing sensitive data, making unauthorized statements, engaging in harassment or bullying, or undertaking any actions that could risk the organization’s digital security or public image.