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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: IF012
  • Created: 03rd June 2024
  • Updated: 05th July 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Public Statements Resulting in Brand Damage

A subject makes comments either in-person or online that can damage the organization's brand through association.


ID Name Description
IF012.001Statements On Organization's Social Media

A subject uses existing access to social media accounts owned by the organization to post statements or other media that can result in brand damage.

IF012.002Statements On Personal Social Media

A subject uses personal social media accounts to post statements or other media that can result in brand damage through association between the subject and their employer.


ID Name Description
PV004Enforce a Social Media Policy

A social media policy is a set of rules that governs how employees should use social media platforms in connection with their work. It outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, helps employees understand the consequences of misuse, and serves as a deterrent by promoting accountability, raising awareness of risks, and ensuring consistent enforcement.

PV013Pre-Employment Background Checks

Background checks should be conducted to ensure whether the information provided by the candidate during the interview process is truthful. This could include employment and educational reference checks, and a criminal background check. Background checks can highlight specific risks, such as a potential for extortion.


ID Name Description
DT033Closed-Circuit Television

CCTV can be used to observe activity within or around a site. This control can help to detect preparation or infringement activities and record it to a video file.

DT049Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Monitoring refers to monitoring social media interactions to identify organizational risks, such as employees disclosing confidential information and making statements that could harm the organization (either directly or through an employment association).