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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: IF014
  • Created: 20th June 2024
  • Updated: 05th July 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Unauthorized Changes to IT Systems

A subject makes changes to IT systems that have adverse effects and cause operational disruption.


ID Name Description
IF014.005Deletion of Cloud Resources

A subject deletes cloud resources, resulting in harm to the organization's operations.

IF014.006Deletion of Other IT Resources

The subject deletes IT resources resulting in harm to the organization. Examples include virtual machines, virtual disk images, user accounts, and DNS records.

IF014.004Modification of Access Controls

The subject makes unauthorized changes to access controls resulting in harm. Examples include resetting/changing passwords, locking accounts, or deleting accounts.

IF014.001Modification of DNS Records

The subject creates, deletes, or edits DNS records resulting in harm. Examples include altering MX records to affect the availability of email communication, removing A records to affect the availability of web resources, or altering A records to redirect traffic to an unintended location.

IF014.002Modification of Firewall Rules

A subject makes an unauthorized change to the rule table of a network-based firewall, resulting in impaired security or impacted availability.

IF014.003Modification of Physical Security Controls

A subject interferes with physical security controls, such as an identification card system used to control access to areas of a site, to cause disruption or gain unauthorized access.