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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: IF015
  • Created: 09th July 2024
  • Updated: 19th July 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team


A subject steals an item or items belonging to an organization, such as a corporate laptop or corporate mobile phone.


ID Name Description
IF015.001Theft of a Corporate Laptop

A subject steals a corporate laptop belonging to an organization.

IF015.002Theft of a Corporate Mobile Phone

A subject steals a corporate mobile phone belonging to an organization.

IF015.004Theft of Non-Digital Assets

A subject steals non-digital assets, such as physical documents, belonging to an organization.

IF015.003Theft of Other Digital Assets

A subject steals other digital assets, such as monitors, hard drives, or peripherals, belonging to an organization.


ID Name Description
PV025Full Disk Encryption

Full Disk Encryption (FDE) involves encrypting all data on a device's hard disk or solid-state drive (SSD), including the Operating System (OS), third party applications and user data. This helps to ensure that data on the disk remains inaccessible if the laptop is lost or stolen, as the data cannot be accessed without the correct decryption key.


Typically a user decrypts a FDE disk during the boot process. The user is prompted to enter a password or provide a hardware token to unlock the encryption key. Only after successful authentication can the disk be decrypted and subsequently the Operating System loaded and the data accessed.