Contribute to ITM
By its nature, the Insider Threat Matrix™ (ITM) is in a constant state of development. We are always looking for new information to help develop what is already presented within the framework. If we decide that feedback should be added to ITM we will inform the individual, and they will be eligible for listing on the contributors section of this page.
Maintenance of the Insider Threat Matrix™ is conducted on a best-effort approach. We do not have predetermined timeframes for responding to or implementing any feedback provided.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Sections and sub-sections
If you have an idea for a section not already covered in the framework, or believe you have a correction for an existing section, please provide a link to the section (if it already exists), and a detailed description of the correction or new section.
Detections and Preventions
If you have an idea for a Detection or Prevention not already covered in the framework, or believe you have a correction for an existing item, please provide a link to the section (if it already exists), and a detailed description of the correction or new item.
Thank you to all our contributors
The following individuals have provided a recognized contribution to the Insider Threat Matrix™.
- The ITM Team
- James Weston|Forscie & ITM
- Joshua Beaman|Security Blue Team & ITM
- Ismael Briones-Vilar|Head of Security Operations
- James Mungai Quinlan|Senior Director, Security Operations
- Joshua Phillips|SOC Analyst, Viasat
- Daniyal Nadeem|SecOps Manager, Oracle
- Pyae Heinn Kyaw|Cyber Incident Response Specialist
- Khaled A. Mohamed|Security Operations
- Malik Girondin|Security Blue Team
- Arvydas Jonusauskas|Security Blue Team
- Matt Barr|Cybersecurity Analyst II – Insider Risk, Eastman
- Rob Snyder|Principal Program Manager - Threat Insights, Microsoft
- Wellington Oscar|Senior Insider Threats Analyst, Bank of England
- Surya Teja Masanam|DFIR Lead, CRED
- Danika Nilson|Sr. Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst