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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: PV029
  • Created: 23rd July 2024
  • Updated: 23rd July 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Enterprise-Managed Web Browsers

An enterprise-managed browser is a web browser controlled by an organization to enforce security policies, manage employee access, and ensure compliance. It allows IT administrators to monitor and restrict browsing activities, apply security updates, and integrate with other enterprise tools for a secure browsing environment.


ID Name Description
PR019Private / Incognito Browsing

Private browsing, also known as 'incognito mode' among other terms, is a feature in modern web browsers that prevents the storage of browsing history, cookies, and site data on a subject's device. When private browsing is enabled, it ensures any browsing activity conducted during the browser session is not saved to the browser history or cache.


A subject can use private browsing to conceal their actions in a web browser, such as navigating to unauthorized websites, downloading illicit materials, uploading corporate data or conducting covert communications, thus leaving minimal traces of their browsing activities on a device and frustrating forensic recovery efforts.