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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: PV017
  • Created: 01st June 2024
  • Updated: 01st June 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Prohibit Email Auto-Forwarding to External Domains, Exchange

Various methods can be used within Exchange to prevent internal emails being auto-forwarded to remote domains. This can prevent exfiltration via email auto-forwarding rules.


ID Name Description
IF010Exfiltration via Email

A subject uses electronic mail to exfiltrate data.

IF010.001Exfiltration via Corporate Email

A subject exfiltrates information using their corporate-issued mailbox, either via software or webmail. They will access the conversation at a later date to retrieve information on a different system.

IF010.002Exfiltration via Personal Email

A subject exfiltrates information using a mailbox they own or have access to, either via software or webmail. They will access the conversation at a later date to retrieve information on a different system.

PR015.003Email Forwarding Rule

The subject creates an email forwarding rule to transport any incoming emails from one mailbox to another.