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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: PV027
  • Created: 22nd July 2024
  • Updated: 22nd July 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Financial Approval Process

The financial approval process is a structured procedure used by organizations to review and authorize financial transactions. It includes segregation of duties, authorization levels, and documentation and audit trails to prevent financial abuse and ensure adherence to policies and budgets.


ID Name Description
IF016Misappropriation of Funds

A subject dishonestly makes false representations, fails to disclose information or abuses their access or position to make a financial gain and/or cause a loss to an organization. Methods to achieve this include unauthorized bank transfers, misuse of corporate cards, or creating fictitious invoices.

IF016.005Modification of Invoices

A subject with access to a billing system or indirect access to a billing system misuses their access to modify existing invoices, causing payments to be diverted to themselves, a business they own, or a third party.

IF016.001Misuse of a Corporate Card

A subject may misuse a corporate credit for their own benefit by making purchases that are not aligned with the intended purpose of the card or by failing to follow the policies and procedures governing its use.

IF016.006Creation of Fictitious Invoices

A subject with access to a billing system or indirect access to a billing system misuses their access to create fraudulent invoices, causing payments to be diverted to themselves, a business they own, or a third party.

IF016.002Unauthorized Bank Transfers

A subject misuses their direct or indirect access to dishonestly redirect funds to an account they control or to a third party.

IF016.007Excessive Overtime

A subject that self reports hours worked, and/or is eligible to claim overtime or an individual responsible for reporting such working time may falsify time records or make false representations to a working time system to cause payment or time in lieu for unperformed work.