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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: ME021.005
  • Created: 19th June 2024
  • Updated: 24th July 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

SSH Keys

SSH keys that were available to the subject during employment are not revoked and can still be used.


ID Name Description
PV023Access Reviews

Routine reviews of user accounts and their associated privileges and permissions should be conducted to identify overly-permissive accounts, or accounts that are no longer required to be active.

PV024Employee Off-boarding Process

When an employee leaves the organization, a formal process should be followed to ensure all equipment is returned, and any associated accounts or access is revoked.


ID Name Description
DT052Audit Logging

Audit Logs are records generated by systems and applications to document activities and changes within an environment. They provide an account of events, including user actions, system modifications, and access patterns.