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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: AR1
  • Created: 22nd May 2024
  • Updated: 23rd July 2024


The reason or underlying cause that prompts a subject to engage in an infringement.


ID Name Description

A subject is persuaded against their will to access and exfiltrate or destroy sensitive data, or conduct some other act that harms or undermines the target organization. 


A subject, motivated solely by personal curiosity, may take actions that unintentionally cause or risk harm to an organization. For example, they might install unauthorized software to experiment with its features or explore a network-attached storage (NAS) device without proper authorization.


A subject carries out covert actions, such as the collection of confidential or classified information, for the strategic advantage of a nation-state.

MT009Fear of Reprisals

A subject accesses and exfiltrates or destroys sensitive data or otherwise contravenes internal policies in an attempt to prevent professional reprisals against them or other persons.


A subject accesses and exfiltrates or destroys sensitive data or otherwise contravenes internal policies with the aim to successfully defeat controls in order to demonstrate ability and/or skill.

MT016Human Error

The subject has no threatening motive and is not reckless in their actions. The infringement is a result of an honest mistake made by the subject.


A subject joins the organisation with the pre-formed intent to gain access to sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies.

MT008Lack of Awareness

A subject is unaware that they are prohibited from accessing and exfiltrating or destroying sensitive data or otherwise contravening internal policies.


A subject leaving the organisation with access to sensitive data with the intent to access and exfiltrate sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies.

MT013Misapprehension or Delusion

A subject accesses and exfiltrates of destroys sensitive data or otherwise contravenes internal policies as a result of motives not grounded in reality.


A subject moves within the organisation to a different team with the intent to gain access to sensitive data or to circumvent controls or to otherwise contravene internal policies.

MT005Personal Gain

A subject seeks personal gain from another by accessing and exfiltrating or destroying sensitive data or otherwise contravening internal policies.

MT004Political or Philosophical Beliefs

A subject is motivated by their political or philosophical beliefs to access and destroy or exfiltrate sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies.


The subject does not have a threatening motive. However, the subject under takes actions without due care and attention to the outcome, which causes an infringement.


A subject is motivated by resentment towards the organisation to access and exfiltrate or destroy data or otherwise contravene internal policies. 

MT010Self Sabotage

A subject accesses and exfiltrates or destroys sensitive data or otherwise contravenes internal policies with the aim to be caught and penalised.

MT006Third Party Collusion Motivated by Personal Gain

A subject is recruited by a third party to access and exfiltrate or destroy sensitive data or otherwise contravene internal policies for in exchange for a personal gain.