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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: PR015.002
  • Created: 31st May 2024
  • Updated: 19th July 2024
  • Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Remote Email Collection

A subject retrieves email files from a remote email server. The subject might use their own or other obtained credentials to access an email mailbox and subsequently copy emails and/or data contained within emails. Remote email collection can be conducted against on-premises email servers, webmail, and cloud-based email services.


ID Name Description
DT062Microsoft 365 Admin Center Sign-in Activity

From the Microsoft 365 Admin Center homepage (, after a specific user account has been selected under ‘Users’ > ‘Active Users’, it is possible to view limited sign-in activity under ‘Last sign-in’ > ‘View last 30 days’.

This displays the Date, Status, and Failure reason (if appropriate).

DT063Microsoft Entra ID Sign-in Logs

From the Microsoft Entra Admin Center (, or through the Azure Portal (, it is possible to view detailed sign-in logs for user accounts.

This information includes (but is not limited to) the Date, User, Application, Status, IP Address, and Location.