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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: PR014
  • Created: 31st May 2024
  • Updated: 14th June 2024
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

External Media Formatting

A subject formats an external media device on a target system with a compatible file system which is capable of being written to by the target system.


ID Name Description
PR014.003Disc Media Formatting

A subject formats disc media (including CD-R, DVD and Blu-ray discs) on a target system with a file system capable of being written to by the target system.

PR014.004Floppy Disk Formatting

A subject formats an SD card on a target system with a file system capable of being written to by the target system.

PR014.002SD Card Formatting

A subject formats an SD card on a target system with a file system capable of being written to by the target system.

PR014.001USB Mass Storage Device Formatting

A subject formats a USB mass storage device on a target system with a file system capable of being written to by the target system.