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Insider Threat Matrix™

  • ID: AF013.001
  • Created: 25th May 2024
  • Updated: 14th June 2024
  • Platform: Windows
  • Contributor: The ITM Team

Delete Local Windows User

A subject may delete user accounts to obscure their activities and delete files and information associated with that user.


ID Name Description
PV002Restrict Access to Administrative Privileges

The Principle of Least Privilege should be enforced, and period reviews of permissions conducted to ensure that accounts have the minimum level of access required to complete duties as per their role.


ID Name Description
DT056User Account Deleted, Windows Event Log

Additional configuration may be required for these Event logs to be generated.

Within the Security log, Event ID 4726 (A user account was deleted) and Event ID 4743 (Computer account was successfully deleted) can be used to identify account deletion.

These two Event logs contain the account domain, name, and SID of both the account requesting the deletion, and the target account to be deleted.